Thursday, 22 October 2015


}  Regurgitation is sudden, effortless expulsion through the mouth of a small quantity (5 to 10 ml) of gastric fluid mixed with food usually as a result of ineffectiveness of anti-reflux barrier.
}  Regurgitation could be simple regurgitation (most common) or pathological (Gastroesophageal reflux - GER) regurgitation.

Simple Regurgitation
}  Simple regurgitation is different from GER because;

       A few ml in quantity is regurgitated

        Postprandial (after meals). It occurs usually after feeding or eating.

        Occurs during burping. May occur during laying the child on the shoulder

        Never occurs during sleep. Unlike pathologicl reggurgitation, simple regurgitation does not occur while the baby or child is asleep 

        Isolated, no concomitant symptoms.


}  Causes of Regurgitation

       Inappropriate relaxation of lower oesophageal sphincter: Usually feeding, when the child is not sitting properly after feeding or eating, regurgitation may occur, because the oesophageal sphincter (a door like structure that opens up for food to move down from osesophagus to the stomach, and prevents its return), its not fully matured (as a matter of fact, most of the organs of the baby is still developing at this stage). As a result, when a child lies down or tun head upside down immediately after feeding, this 'door like sturcture' may open into oaesophagus, leading to regurgitation. .

       Gastric emptying: The rate at which the food leaves the stomach is important. Usually food stays aboyut two hours in an average adult, this is shorter in children, for example gastric emptying time of milk is about 48 minutes. However, when fed on foods other than milk, and there is delay in the food transition from stomach to the next channels, regurgitation may occur.

}  Factors promoting Regurgitation

       Large meal: This may increase the gastrc emptying time, by slowing down the rate.

        Caloric (energy content) of the meal:  Too much calorie in a meal could also contribute to slowing down of the rate of emptying.

       Compression of abdomen by diaper:  Whenever this happens, the oesophageal sphincter may be pushed open and results into return of the food.

}  Management of Regurgitation.

       Reassure the parents: If its simple regurgitation, mothers should be assure of no complications, however when it is Pathological, health care professional should be contacted for appropriate solution.

       Minimize role of precipitating factors: Prevent compression of the abdomen by diaper or other things, and the baby /child lieing down immediately after feeding or eating.

       Dietary measures: Monitor the caloric intake of the food, and serve small meal at a time. Food quide pyramid as well as food composition table should be used as a guide.

Food Allergy
}  Food allergy corresponds to reproducible symptoms occurring after ingestion of a specific food and associated with an abnormal immunologic response (IgE or Non IgE dependent). In other words, certain reactions due to consumption or feeding foods containing allergens (substance that promote immune response), because they are foreign/alien to the body. Food allergy is very common in infant and young children.
       Food allergens include; Cow’s milk protein, Soy’s protein, Egg, Fish, Peanut, and Other foods (wheat, pepper, citrus, banana etc).
}  Food allergy is different from Food intolerance - a clinical gastro-intestinal reaction to certain food in which there is no immunologic mechanism. For example Lactose intolerance
}  Factors promoting allergy include;
       family history of allergy

       increased intestinal permeability

       immune system immaturity (IgA deficit )

       early exposure to allergens, early weaning

}  In Newborn, the chances of allergic risk is greatly influenced when;

       neither parent is allergic  8-15%

       one parent is allergic      20-40%

       a sibling is allergic             25-30%

       both parents are allergic 40-60%

       both parents are allergic 60-80% with the same symptoms

}  Generally, food allergy is characterized by;

       Cutaneous manifestation

       GIT symptoms

       Respiratory symptoms

       Anaphylatic shock

}  Management

       Breast milk

       Hypoallergenic formulas



Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Diarrhea is the passage of watery stools, usually at least three times in a 24 hour period. It is still one of the most prevalent and important public health problems in the developing nations of the world. The incidence of diarrhea is common among infants and young children in these countries remaining the 2nd largest killer disease in under-five children after neonatal causes. 
watery stool
When the diarrhea episode (the duration/period of passage of the watery stool) is < 14days it is called Acute diarrhea and when > 14 days it is Chronic diarrhea.
                Acute diarrhea means the symptoms associated with the diarrhea appear suddenly , worsen rapidly and disappear.
                Chronic diarrhea means the symptoms develop gradually, and worsens over an extended period of time.
Generally, diarrhea can be caused by different microorganisms. These organisms thrive in a poorly sanitize and unhygienic environment typical of developing countries. When these pathogenic organisms or their toxins are found in food, food borne diarrhea disease may occur.
In infant, one of the following among others may cause diarrhea. Detail explanation would be shared later.
·         Cow’s milk and Soy-protein

·         Inherited transport defect

·         Immune deficiency status

·         Mid-gut malrotation

·         Glucose-galactose malabsorption

Consequences of Diarrhea.
These include;
·         Loss of fluids

·         Loss of nutrients

·         Dehydration

·         Malabsorption

·         Malnutrition.

Basic Management of Diarrhea (extensive discussion subsequently)
Rehydration: Because water and electrolytes are lost in all types of diarrhea, replacement of these by rehydration is always the first priority treatment. This is possible using suitable available fluids (or ORS+Zinc) at home immediately once diarrhea starts
Refeeding: Starts an age –appropriate unrestricted diet as soon as dehydration is corrected. For some individuals (infants), a lactose free solution can be given for quick recovery from malnutrition and severe dehydration.
Note: anti diarrhea agents in children should not be encouraged.
Tips for home management
1.       Give extra fluid

2.       Continue feeding

3.       Give Zinc supplement for 10-14 days.

4.       Recognize the signs that suggest the child need medical help.


World Health Organization

Nestle Nutrition Institute Africa.